To create a scene, click the 'New Movie' button. However, you can also choose to buy some of the more premium additional content. A library of additional content is available, and much of it is entirely free. Of course, as the story evolves, you can change the scenery and the characters in those scenes. When you first start developing a scene with Plotagon, you'll be able to create individual scenes with up to two characters. It is also possible to sign in with a Facebook account. You won't be able to use the software to its fullest extent if you don't sign up for a free account.

The logo is then replaced with a screen that welcomes you to the system and asks you to either sign in with existing credentials or make a new account. Once the software is launched, you'll see the initial app window with the Plotagon logo displayed in the middle. Overall Opinion: When you first download and install the software, you'll be prompted to open the software right away.